Even the scope of the basic instrumentation leaves nothing to be desired. The main catalogue from Technicare offers an in depth spectrum in all areas with large variety of products. High precision ergonomics
allow the user to work safelt and quickly.
Our perfectly innovative design with long lasting performance makes our products hall mark for us. By using the latest technologies we deliver top quality instruments to our buyers around the globe.Technicare
is a leading manufacturers and exporters of podiatry instruments. We constantly evolve our products to address diverse needs of our customers along with current and future market trends. Our enthusiest
research and development team work hard on every step of manufacturing process to enhance designs functionality, performance and reliability of our instruments.
Of course the comprehensive Technicare products portfolio includes the classic diagnostic scissors e.g. classic range of nail files,scrappers, callousremovers. Different types of nail pliers including the classic
double action toenail pliers toenail pliers and ingrown nail nippers. A wide range of slective instruments for podiatry session such as scalpels, blade holders mixing spatulas. Selection of artery forceps which
is part of all kind of surgery process including thumb dressing and tissue tweezers. Our assortment covers a wide selction of instruments. Technicare, a passion for perfection.